Capturing Milestones

17.01.18 06:24 PM Comment(s)
baby sitter sitting photoshoot milestone photographer bump to baby photography leicester uk east midlands

One of my favourite ages to photograph is between 6-12 months old. During this age babies are able to master the milestone of sitting unaided or with little support. Their personalities begin to shine through and so many lovely, happy faces are captured.

At this age I am also about to capture a variety of photos in such a short time (usually around 45 minutes). This includes closer up head shots, baby showing off their new sitting skills, baby on their backs playing with their toes, rolling over and then tummy time and sometimes crawling to. 

If your little one has a soft toy, a special blanket of another item that means something to them and you would like to include it in the session please just let me know and I will do my best to incorporate this. It often adds a very personal touch to the photos for you to treasure for years to come.

I do have my own selection of outfits for this age group for this type of session which you are very welcome to use, however if you would rather bring your little one dressed in an outfit of your own this is absolutely fine. 

Book your sitter session online now at or email me at, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Photography by Jessica Iliffe - Newborn, baby & child photography, Leicester UK
